The Tangasseri-Australian Association is a community based non-profit organization The seeds of our Association were sown when 11 families resident in Melbourne, Australia met in June 1994 and founded this Association,  which has since grown to over 250 members. The concept of family values is highlighted in all our Social activities.

Geographically Tangasseri is a coastal Palm grove that strategically abuts the Arabian Sea and is located at the tip of South India in the State of Kerala. It has a proud history of over 500 years and mainly affected by the Dutch, Portuguese and English who resided in this town over periods of time. These diverse influences together with the vibrant Indian culture has enabled us to successfully migrate and assimilate in different countries like UK, USA, Canada and Australia. The Tangasseri Australian Association is all embracing and fosters multi-culturalism, displaying qualities of respect, trust, and tolerance. Our Committee together with the members volunteer our services in reaching out to the Community socially.

Our activities are an Annual dance, AGM, Hopper night, X’mas Family day celebration, X’mas Dance, Long weekend getaway, an Annual Cricket Match and an Activity for the benefit of the community at large.The Association has also celebrated its 10th, 20th, 25th and 30th Anniversaries with most of our members attending our celebrations including the Indian Consular General . representatives from Victorian Multicultural affairs  and the Dandenong Council.

Tangasseri -Australian Association of Melbourne Inc

We are thankful to the Greater Dandenong Council for the opportunity to be Managing Agents for the Edinburgh Hall in Springvale  for a period of 6 years. We took over a hall that was old and required  upgrading and updating. After nearly 6 years we handed back to the Council a hall that was refurbished repainted increased capacity increased clientelle and most importantly increased revenue generation capacity. We are sure that the hall is put to good useby the communities of Springvale and Dandenong.

The Tangasseri-Australian Association contributes financially to natural disasters. We recently established a Trust fund with the Association in Tangasseri to assist with needy projects. The Association has also contributed towards Breast Cancer research..We have significantly contributed financially  to tsunami relief in Kerala and to  Orphanage of the Assisi Project in Chennnai. The Association financillly assisted in Flood relief and drought relief in Kerala.. During the Covid -19 crisis in India the Sisters of the Poor in Bangalore and the Sisters of Charity in Tangasseri  were provided urgent financial assistance

We formed the Cricket Club for the youth, which is a successful endeavour as they participate in the local grade Cricket Matches. Social outings are also programmed for the Seniors in our Association.

The Founder Members

The Founder Members

The 22 Founder Members who formed the Association

Back Row: L- R : Philroy D’Rozario, Oswin Allen, Pat Cooper, Lioyd D’crus, Herwin Allen, Duncan Bartholmeusz,
Winburne Fernandez, Jim Allen, Harold Gonsalvez, Grenville D’Crus, Osmund Bartholmeusz

Front Row L- R: Ann D’Rozario, Linda Allen, Avelyn Cooper, Celine D’Crus, Jennifer Allen, Rose Bartholmeusz, Flavy Fernandez, Trudy Allen, Flossy Gonsalvez, Zita D’Crus, Dilys Bartholmeusz

Our Association comprises of a Management Committee and an Executive Committee.

The First Management Committee comprises of Founder Members while the First  Executive Committee comprises of :

President – Mr Herwin Allen
Vice President – Mrs Rose Bartholomeusz
Secretary – Mr Grenville D’Crus
Asst. Secretary -Mrs Avelyn Cooper
Treasurer – Mr Winburne Fernandez
Public Officer – Mr Lloyd D’Crus
Committee Member – Mr Osmond Bartholomeusz
Committee Member – Mr Harold Gonsalvez
Committee Member – Mr. Philip D’Rozario
Nominated Member – Mrs Linda Allen
Nominated Member- Mr Jim Allen

The Association’s Annual General Meeting is held every two years

At the Association’s 29th Annual General Meeting that was held on the 28th of October  2024

the following members were elected to the Executive Committee for a tenure of 2 years.

President:                   Grenville D’Crus
Vice President:          Roy McNerney
Secretary :                  Philroy D’Rozario
Asst. Secretary:          Lochlan Fernandez
Treasurer:                   Don Gresseux
Com: Member:           Craig D’Rozario
Com : Member:          Peter DeCouto
Com: Member            Aiden DeCouto
Com: Member:           Alison Fernandez
 Nom: Member:          Herwin Allen
Nom: Member            Winburne Fernandez